The I of Anu
Math: $125
Art: This beautiful chest "Peace" is blessed with an Amethyst EyE and two Pyramids filled with Quartz Crystals as well.
Religion: N/A
Philosophy: Every child is a Gift. Every child is also born with a "Gift".
Those that "See" know it's no Secret that our innocent babies entering this world need protection the most. From all institutions, Medical, Educational, Religious. Not to mention all of the other unmentionables awaiting their arrival.
As one of the Wise men. I come bearing a gift of protection, knowledge, and connection.
A 360 Circle representing one, being "complete" with 2 Pyramids affixed to each side representing "energy". 360, also symbolic of the Sun. The I of Anu is an amulet designed to resemble an EyE to ward off ones evil eyes and as a reminder of your Pineal gland( 3rd EyE).
Every I of Anu is handmade with Silver, Copper and crystals, and Gemstones arranged in a process to form "Orgonite". A device that uses metals to attract negativie energy, the Crystals and gemstones to balance the energy before the Metals send it back out.
Physical Education: From the first sketch, to the metals being poured. Every Phoenix IE is handmade and designed to actually "work".
Every Phoenix IE necklace can be personalized with gemstone beads to represent ones birthdate or other significant dates or numbers, as well as having the length adjusted as the child grows.
In 2015, per request, guidance and information from my Soul. I was led on a journey to take "jewelry" back to its original purpose. To Heal and Protect! Along my journey of Ancient Cultures, knowledge, technologies, and free energy that have been erased, hidden and destroyed. I found a way to heal, protect and combine Ancient technology, in the form of Art, in the form of Jewelry together for the Babies.
Enjoy every now! As no other
time is important