If your "Jewelry" doesn't Heal & Protect. It's Dead and Fake!

My Journey

I meditate you are well

In 2015 I was guided toward Orgone Energy. From my first purchase, to commissioning someone to make them, then taking full creative control and responsibility. I saw something (Spiritually) in my first Orgone pendant. A connection, jewelry, art and a greater purpose. I searched all over the world online to see if anyone else saw it too. No one had. I believed(Mentally) I could create what no one "currently" has created. I selected the highest quality ingredients(Physically) from all over the world. What didn't exist, I designed and had the metals poured in Thailand. I make every pendant with my hands and heart. This is not just about selling pendants. This is about forward thinking. "Seeing". A different perspective. Information. Soul food and connecting with your Higher self. Ladies and Gentlemen. Kings and Queens, and now for the young Prince and Princess. I'd like to introduce you to my love....

Enjoy every now

My Mission

I'm on a mission to "Altar" the culture, and bring Jewelry back to its original purpose, to heal and protect. Which is exaxtly what every 3rd EyE and Phoenix IE pendant is designed to do. I created a Crown for our babies as well as for my Kings and Queens chest. 3rd EyE Pendants are the Nu Ankh!

The "Tartarian" EyE

  • The "Tartarian" EyE

  • Pink Rose Quartz blessed with Amethyst
  • The "Future" EyE

  • Golden sheen Obsidian w/ Lapiz Lazu and Black Obsidian
  • The "OG" EyE

  • Onyx eye surrounded by Citrine
  • The "Serpents" EyE

  • African Turquoise kissed by Pink Rose Quartz and Lapis Lazuli
  • The "Atlantis" EyE

  • Larimar eye surrounded by Lapis Lazuli
  • The "Innana" EyE

  • Lapis Lazuli eye ecompassed by Moonstones

The "Tartarian" EyE

Pink Rose Quartz blessed with Amethyst

The "Future" EyE

Golden sheen Obsidian w/ Lapiz Lazu and Black Obsidian

The "OG" EyE

Onyx eye surrounded by Citrine

The "Serpents" EyE

African Turquoise kissed by Pink Rose Quartz and Lapis Lazuli

The "Atlantis" EyE

Larimar eye surrounded by Lapis Lazuli

The "Innana" EyE

Lapis Lazuli eye ecompassed by Moonstones

3rd EyE "Orgone Energy" proof

Hunger & Passion

Galleria of Love

From Pistols to Crystals... for those once blinded by the sea, that now see the blind

  • Ancient "Science"
  • in the form of "Art"
  • in the form of "Jewelry"
  • 3rd EyE and Phoenix IE is "Hear" to raise you to "See" lEVEL

  • Tap into your intuition. Listen to the voice that guides you. It's job is to never be wrong
  • Love is an energy. Energy is not defined by your sex, color, or sexuality. Love flows where it's accepted

  • A custom made Phoenix IE set for the Newlyweds
  • "Gems" served on a Brass plate

  • Kings and Queens don't wear crowns on their heads any "Moor". 3rd EyE pendants are the Kings and Queens Ancient Crowns, updated. Worn by your heart
  • Shift your energy

  • Let the healing begin
  • Intelligent Design apparell

  • Everything and every one is by Intelligent Design
  • Jewelry unlike any other in the world

  • Every 3rd EyE and Phoenix IE is by Divine Design and Unique. Just like you...

3rd EyE and Phoenix IE is "Hear" to raise you to "See" lEVEL

Tap into your intuition. Listen to the voice that guides you. It's job is to never be wrong

Love is an energy. Energy is not defined by your sex, color, or sexuality. Love flows where it's accepted

A custom made Phoenix IE set for the Newlyweds

"Gems" served on a Brass plate

Kings and Queens don't wear crowns on their heads any "Moor". 3rd EyE pendants are the Kings and Queens Ancient Crowns, updated. Worn by your heart

Shift your energy

Let the healing begin

Intelligent Design apparell

Everything and every one is by Intelligent Design

Jewelry unlike any other in the world

Every 3rd EyE and Phoenix IE is by Divine Design and Unique. Just like you...

The exact Science behind the 3rd EyE pendants Divine Design

Ancient Science and Mathematics in the form of Art in the form of Spiritual Jewelry

Sun Moon and Star.
Sun: The outer gemstone Circle. As the Sun is important in providing Heat, Vitamin D, and light. It also is used to enslave.
Moon light is as equally as important as the Sun. The Moon actually cools the earth after the Suns rays have heated the plane. Providing the feminine balance during the knights reign. No slave ever escaped slavery during Sunlight. The planning, and act of pursuing freedom of any kind( physical, mental, spiritual marriage, job, etc...). You must utilize the Moonlight on the path to any version of freedom.
The Stars bring forth information, signs and destiny. They're ancient " in formation ". Guiding. Known and used all over the world, Ancient and current. The Eight point Star is a symbol of life, fertility and to ward off evil as well.

3 Circles
Circle of Love. The first Circle. The smallest circle. The inner circle. The trustworthy. The closest circle to you. The gemstone EyE in the center is where those that you love and love you "lie". This Circle loves and protects you from the next Circle.

Circle of Associates. The 2nd Circle. The Moon and Eight point Star. These are the people you like, and are friendly with yet not close enough to love( coworkers, people you may chat with in passing, grocery store clerks, family, etc ...). This Circle protects you from the next Circle.

Circle of Antagonist. The Outer Gemstone Circle represents the Sun. It's also the 3rd Circle. Where those lie, that don't love you ( even family if necessary ). It's the furthest Circle from love and subsequently and symbolicly the Sun. Send anyone there that is against you and your cause, for your advancement and protection.
Three Circles are also symbolic of you,
Spiritually (center EyE). Physically ( Moon and Eight point Star ).
Mentally ( Sun Circle ).

3rd EyE. I designed 3rd EyE pendants to remind you as well as everyone that sees it of their own 3rd EyE. Your 3rd EyE (Pineal Gland ) is the key and connection to your enlightenment. This is the modern day Ankh.
The Ancients "new". The Pineal gland in the center of your head is what connects you to your "Higher Self". It allows you to See, Hear, Feel and Touch on a Spiritual level by giving you direct access to your Higher Self, your Ancestors and "In Formation". There is a war waged against your 3rd EyE. A war to keep your 3rd EyE closed. Diet, Meditation, Intentions and Experience will lead the way on your path to opening your 3rd EyE.

Direction. The Brass ( Rev. 1:15 ) bezel is symbolic of the 8 Pyramids, Sunrays emanating from the Sun and also a Compass. As Direction actually exist and should be viewed as more important than time (Wich doesn't exist). The Compass is for "You" to
"know and Remember your Direction"
during your Mental, Physical and Spiritual travels. This will also aid you in your Sun to Sun ( day to day ) travel and movements between those in the 3 Circles.

A continuous connection

3rd EyE/Phoenix IE services

3rd EyE and the Phoenix IE pendants are divinely designed and solely handmade with my hands and Love. Every pendant is akin to one of my children and can always come home to be Cleaned, repaired, as well as a having a custom gemstone necklace to personalize your 3rd EyE and Phoenix IE pendant.

Upgraded Gemstone necklace replacement

Contact me to customize your 3rd EyE/ Phoenix IE necklace with the exact length you prefer and important dates and / or numbers integrated into the beads leading to you personalizing and connecting with your 3rd EyE/ Phoenix IE pendant even more..

Cleaning your 3rd EyE/Phoenix IE pendant $15

The 3rd EyE brass bezel as well as the Sterling Silver Phoenix IE will lose its luster. Therefore it must be cleaned to remove the tarnish periodically. A custom peace such as these two may prove difficult to clean for some. Send my babies back to be cleaned if necessary...

Repairs ( contact me for more information and price)

Each "peace" is custom and has never been made. If there are any issuse with your 3rd EyE or Phoenix IE pendant and/or Gemstone necklace. Do not hesitate to contact me to send it back for repair.